
Monday, March 24, 2014


For the last 14 decades, nobody had spotted a Tiger Quoll (officially). There have been unofficial claims before, about people sighting Tiger Quolls but official records refute that. The last spotting of this rare animal was in the year 1872, save for the most recent case on 25th September 2013. The latest scenario occurred when cameras were set to capture the atypical moment in the Grampians National Park located in western Victoria, Australia.

A tiger Quoll is also called the Spotted-tail Quoll and it is a carnivorous marsupial. An adult can grow up to a metre in length and it not only an endangered species in Australia but also on planet Earth. Quite an exhilarating rediscovery! Isn't it?

Adopted from

Friday, March 14, 2014


In the year 1924, a professor at the University of Tokyo by the name Hidesaburõ Ueno adopted an abandoned dog. He took him in and gave him the name Hachikõ. The dog’s breed was Akita and it color was golden brown. Hachikõ was so fond of his master that he used to routinely report daily at the Shibuya Railway Station and wait for his master to alight in the evening after work.


Unfortunately, a year later the professor succumbed to cerebral hemorrhage and passed on. Thus, he was never to appear at the station, but loyal Hachikõ did not cease his routine and this he did another 9 years without fail. The beloved owner was not to return, though. Other commuters could not help it but watch and feel sorry for the helpless dog and so they started feeding him. A student of Ueno even did an article about Hachikõ.

The people of Japan would even refer to Hachikõ whenever they needed to encourage their children. Hachikõ’s routine was, however, to come to an ultimate end when he also died of infections coupled with terminal cancer. His remains were not to be buried and so they were preserved at Japan’s National Science Museum at Tokyo. Besides that, a Hachikõ’s bronze statue was erected at the Shibuya Railway Station for his remembrance. To date, dog lovers gather around Shibuya station each year on April 8th in honor of Hachikõ and his love towards his master.

Hachikõ’s statue

If touched by this story, just check out this 2009 movie titled Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. 

Adopted from Wikipedia

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Believe it or not, the cute girls photographed below are twins; born a minute apart around 9 years ago. One is a blue-eyed blonde with pale skin while the other is a brown-eyed darker toned angel. Scientifically speaking, skin color has been believed to be a synergetic job of seven different genes. They hardly seem twins, though. Kian and Remee careless notwithstanding any perception a stranger would hold.   

Amazing twins Kian (left) and Remee (Right) from UK

Their outer look is courtesy of their parents’ genetic compilation. Both their father (Remi Horder) and mother (Kylee Hodgson) have black fathers and white mothers. They share the same cheeky smile, have never experienced racial discrimination and their mother rightfully puts it that “they are a perfect example of how it should be.” Their tone of skin complexion is not a giant issue to them as others seem to view it. After all, they are alike underneath or so would be their mindset. Kian is 60 seconds younger and their delivery was in April of 2005 by caesarean section.
However, it would all be a monster lie if one said they do not have different personalities. As a matter of fact, they are not in the same class in elementary school and their interests are not alike as well.

As their mother reports, people would wonder why both kids were dressed the same and she would answer that they are twins and then leave them to ponder over that answer. Everyone in the area where they live with their parents eventually came to know that they were in fact twins. They learned to talk and walk at different times in spite of their first word being ‘juice’, and Kian is bossier and louder than her sister. They also have different sets of pals. Despite these differences, they are closest of friends as the mother says and sometimes they share same answers to involuntary calls of nature like sneezing together. 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Well, that wasn’t his name too! For more than four decades the specifics of the case of a witty airborne felony and the daredevil escape have been revisited, pondered and reviewed and still it remains an enigma.

In year 1971, D.B. Cooper skyjacked and threatened to blow up a plane, he went on to extort 200,000 US dollars from the owner, Northwest Orient. He then jumped from the airborne 727 aircraft with about 21 pounds of 20 dollar bills fastened to his upper body. 

F.B.I's drawing of D.B. Cooper

Believe it or not, Cooper was never to be seen again; not even his corpse. He was a wiz if he lived to enjoy his ‘bounty’ and it was craze if he did not. Nobody knows his real name, though despite his fame and recognition. His case remains open too. Even Jack the Ripper did not pull such a stunt regardless of the fame he garnered before Cooper.

Four decades later, D.B. Cooper’s case remains open. Open to anyone with enough info to wrap it up, but no one seems to unravel the riddle. He never hurt any innocent witnesses, unlike most other western felons and majority of the ransom is yet to be recovered too. Not even the FBI has disentangled the puzzle and the case file remains active 43 years on.

Adopted from

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


1.      Aogashima Volcano, Japan

2.      Chittorgarh Fort, India

3.      Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland

4.   Fingal’s Cave, Scotland

5.      Giant’s Causeway, Ireland

6.      Glass Beach, California, USA

7.   Hvitserkur, North Iceland

8.      Pamukkale, Turkey

9.      Pink Lake, Western Australia

10. Sea Cliffs, Etretat, France

Monday, March 10, 2014


  1. Abraham Lincoln name is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame
President Lincoln’s name wasn't quite a WWE wrestler but courtesy of his long arms as a young lad, he lost just a single match in 300 matches he took part in. He even once challenged onlookers to try him: “I’m the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns.” These achievements earned him a top place in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.

  1. There was once a futile effort by grave robbers to make off with Abraham Lincoln’s Corpse
In the year 1876, protection came to Abraham Lincoln’s way by Secret Service. If only it would have come earlier! Why? A mob of fraudsters who hailed from Chicago wanted to snatch his body from its tomb. Its only protection was a single padlock’s, anyway. That was in Oak Ridge Cemetery located in Springfield, Illinois state. Their aim was to hold the corpse and seek a $200,000 ransom as well as secure a release of the mob’s best fraudster from prison. Secret Service intervened and the body was moved to an unmarked grave and was secured within steel cage.

  1. Abraham Lincoln goes down in History as the only president to have secured a patent
After Benjamin Franklin noted a need to invent a way to unload steamboats, which ran ashore on low shoals, Lincoln came to his rescue. He had an innate love for machines and so he designed a way of aiding vessels stay afloat, while navigating shallow waters. This he did by applying empty metal air compartments to the sides of boats and thus he got a Patent Number 6,469 in the year 1849 for the innovation.

  1. Poisoned Milk killed President Lincoln’s mother   
Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy, passed on while he was 9. Her cause of death was an unknown sickness connected to milk consumption, which was a major outbreak in Southern Indiana at the time. This was later to be discovered to be an ailment emanating from drinking milk from cows that had fed on lethal white snakeroot.   

  1. Abraham Lincoln never slept in the popular Lincoln’s Bedroom

While he was president of the US, he used the current Lincoln Bedroom as a mere personal office. There, he would meet members of the Cabinet as well as sign documents, one of which is the Emancipation Proclamation. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014


There is no part of human body that is not mind captivating and today interest is on human hair. In Kenya demand for human hair extensions by ladies just hit the roof. Dreadlocks are also selling like blue chip shares in a stock exchange market according to local press, but that aside.
A long haired Caucasian lady
Human hair grows about 13cm per year, but that varies with race. This means it grows about 0.35mm per day. According to a 2005 study by the researchers of International Journal of Dermatology, hair growth varies with human race, though. For Asians, hair grows about 15cm per year (6 inches); Caucasians have theirs grow at the rate of 13cm and Africans’ at 10cm per year. Research showed that there was no significant difference in the rates of growth in male participants compared to their female counterparts.
A strand of human hair magnified

Researchers have the notion the dietary changes and seasons determine hair growth as well. For example, hair is said to grow quicker in summer due to escalated levels of Ultraviolet radiation exposure, shifts in hormones and eating of more vegetables and fruits.

A trichologist (hair and scalp dermatologist) from New York, Elizabeth Cunnane-Phillips says that increments in hair growth per given season is too marginal to notice.


Thursday, March 6, 2014


Meet the monkey from Indonesia who stole a camera and took selfies. This Macaque monkey was just curious and could not resist the appeal of investigating the gadget. His own reflection captivated him and he went on to hijack the camera to take self portraits as seen below.

On the other hand, David Slater (an outstanding photographer), who owned the confiscated camera was not amused at first. He said the monkeys were of mischievous kind and they were jumping all over his device; probably exhilarated by their first experience of ever seeing their reflections. They even scowled their human-like set of teeth. Few of the shots they took seemed like ones they had posed for.

In the process of pressing the button, most of the monkeys got scared by the sound of the camera and fled. So this particular monkey had the sophisticated piece to himself.  Later, the other apes came back and by the time the photographer got his gadget back the animal had taken numerous snaps. Most of the snap shots were out of focus, though. This confirms that these close relatives can be a real menace! (This happened in year 2011)  

Adopted from

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Despite having gone down as the globe's bloodiest dictator, Adolf Hitler had phobias too. Besides having a fear of pain, here is another thing you did not know about him...
  • Fear of Going to the dentist

His dentist, Johannes Blaschke once said that the dictator could not stand pain. For instance, he had an uncomplicated root-canal procedure spread over a duration of 8 days for fear of pain. 
  • Terrible breath
The tyrant had an awful breath. He had dental abscess and gum disease according to an author Menevse Deprem. Also, another book (though not backed with documentary evidence) states that he had dental fillings made from Gold teeth of his extermination camps' victims.



Tuesday, March 4, 2014



A herd of 50 elephants decided that they could outdo humans in their line of business when they gulped 500 litres of beer. First they damaged three houses to get to the stored tipple and as if that was not enough, they went on to bring down a shop and destroyed crops. All this happened in East India in an area called Dumurkota.

It seemed that they enjoyed their experience and could not get enough; they searched all the huts in the locale as per accounts from locals. It was also reported that they got out of the jungle courtesy of the alluring smell of Mahua, before marauding the shop stocking it.

Afterwards, the villagers sent the animals out before forestry officials struggled to make them cross a river in the vicinity. Police, however, reported that the problem was bound to recur since the animals’ habitat was just nearby. They also said the animals displayed human character while drunk when they acted unreasonable and aggressive. 

Now that was pure personification there! Right? (2012)

An Indian elephant and her calf crossing a road

Adopted from Daily Mail.